New Millennium School

The New Millenium School. A unique collection of comprehensive lessons for modern students including: Dyslexia-Free Reading, Words on Stage, Creative...

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Free Range Learning

Free Range Learning. Classrooms become workshops to give these youngsters the opportunity and the incentive to work at their own...

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Memory Training

Professional Memory Training. Subjects are no longer exclusively taught for their own objective. To be of any educational value, they...

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About the author

His Background Story

Aart was born in Holland 1928. His vast educational background includes Language Studies. He was a High School teacher in English and French in The Netherlands for 2 years. Also a High School teacher in Australia for 14 years teaching Latin, French, Art, English, Creative Writing, Mathematics, also a Subject...

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An Educational Revolution


Aart has bequested his life’s work to anyone who wants to learn or educate using his unique memory training methods.

This collection of textbooks contains a wealth of invaluable and unique learning aids fine tuned over a period of 50years.

A combination of old fashioned efficiency and Professional Memory Training to promote interest and therefore learning.

The result of creative simplicity as well as a practical and academic career dedicated to teaching.